What you call someone after they warn you about a mistake after you’ve already made it
Beyoncé touches her eyes after eating super chili hot wings and then the host of Hot Wings warns “Don’t touch your eyes!” She yells, “I know NOW, you bald-assed bitch!”
When a nigga got no hair and nothing better to do then to run around trying to bag kids and locking bathrooms ; bald people hate vaping
“Fuck that bald ass nigga”
“He soo fucking bald”
"If you look up bald in the dictionary, Miles Gibson shows up."
"Wow, he really does"
What happens when you become an author/writer
Jake:Bro i'm never going to become an author!
James:Dude why not?
Jake:BeCaUsE I AiNt GoInG BaLd!
James: Oh