Kenan Barnes a greedy Poes
Who eats kfc from the floor . Kenan barnes loves underage girls
Kenan barnes ate kfc from the floor and molested his cousin
A superior form of currency. Can be used all around the worlds.
I got barn points from the barn so i can now get ice cream.
"you guys I just fed the barn last night"
"guess what I'm doing tonight I'm feeding the barn tonight!"
mia barnes is the best person in this world, she’s amazing, hot, kind. I love her so much, she’s the best thing that has happend to me, the first time i met her I fell in love <33 she’s so amazing and i hope we stay together for a long time <3
When a car has an exhaust, say at the track, and when they hold high revs it sounds like 'bang, bang, bang." Slow, loud chugs og the exhaust before blowing off the line.
dat vdub had a crazy barn basher exaust
Using college, or "high speed" words in normal conversation in an attempt to sound smarter than you really are.
Dude! Did you just quote Edgar Allan Poe??? I think he just Barnes and Nobled me!
Have you seen Terrell Barnes yet?? He's a fucking badass!