Source Code

base slave

Anyone who does house cleaning services for crack or any narcotic

Damn, Jerry turned into a base slave

by DingleD April 13, 2022

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000th base

A paradox in which you have sex with an crocodile that stole your baby while shaving a false sentence having a three way with one person to which the answer is no.

Fuck you no 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000th base sucks

by Youpeoplearehorriblr April 26, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

touch base

To make contact; to cover all the possibilities. Comes from baseball where the runners need to touch the base to make a run legal. Mostly used by asshat supervisors who do no real work, but constantly engage in meta-communication.

Boss: "I'm just calling you to make sure we touch base."
Worker: "Alright, what do we need to discuss?"
Boss: "Well the first thing we need to do is touch base."
Worker: "So the point of this call is to have a call?"
Boss: "Exactly. That's why touching base is so important."
Worker: *muttered* "Go to hell, you recursive asshat."

by Scroatsky April 6, 2008

218๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž

999th base

Doing it through a hole in the roof of a moving caravan.

Guy: Duuuuuuuuude, do you wanna go to 999th base?

Girl: Have you got a caravan?

by Jen der Bende September 12, 2007

28๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

1st base

french kiss or make out

i got to 1st base with a hott chick at the movies

by jesse November 3, 2003

594๐Ÿ‘ 380๐Ÿ‘Ž

Based God

A term coined by the American Rapper Lil B in reference to himself. A Based God is an individual that possesses maximum swagger, a mansion, sports cars, wonton soup and the inherent ability to fuck your bitch. Moreover, you will actually beg him to fuck your bitch simply because he is Based God. All these conditions must be met for an individual to be a Based God, though it is possible to have some and not all of these. Lil B will fuck your bitch, with or without your consent (which you will always give anyway).

That man just hopped out of his Ferrari and fucked my bitch whilst eating Wonton Soup!

Indeed. He has maximum swagger and is a Based God. Whoop! Swag.

by Whoop Swag May 6, 2011

2123๐Ÿ‘ 1423๐Ÿ‘Ž

touch base

Most appropriately a business expression originating approximately 40-years-ago derived from the sport of baseball. During that time it was a novel and well accepted slang for the purpose of getting-in-touch with someone over any form of matter. By 1990, it became so over used to the point of becoming a corny expression eventually leading to the use mostly by an asshat as described. Today, such an expression is regarded practically as an insult for this very reason and is taken as a form of senseless needling, often meant to offend one's intelligence.

The only businesses who have become notorious for the term are financial institutions where, in fact, new employees are actually taught to use it in the form of customer psychology as it belittles the status of the borrower in relation to the lender, e.g., reminding the customer who the lender is and that they are in debt.

"Hi, John, this is Lois at Bullshit Finance! Just wanted to touch base and see how you are?"

by Ipana May 2, 2009

88๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž