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Jack bastard

A popular military term to describe a serviceman/woman who is selfish and inconsiderate, whom puts him/herself before others. In short, a person who acts alone and not as a team player.

"Oh I see you've made yourself a cup of coffee, but didn't ask us, you jack bastard "

Alternatively "So you tidied up your own work area for the inspection, but didn't do the rest of the teams who were out in the field? Now they are confined to camp, you jack bastard"

by Stagg-on July 11, 2017

11👍 4👎

the hooded bastard

this is the guy that can give advice and understanding and is more interested in the well being of people in public houses. The Hooded Bastard understands and co-orperates with everybody's needs and associates well.

Phil asked the hooded bastard a qquestion, so he replied with go and send them a package of seeman and post it

by viddie January 28, 2006

Pig Bastard

When a person consumes as much food and beverage as possible when ever possible. Most common at office parties, family reunions or dinner at a friends. Often after wards the person is seen holding their stomach complaining or seen making several trips to the bathroom.

Tim: "did you see Keith, Christ he's heading for his seventh helping"
Doug: "what do you expect, it's free."
Tim: "what a Pig Bastard"

by Joey BeffBuicker August 5, 2010

Pig Bastard

A police officer

Fucking pig bastard

by puumbaz May 27, 2019

Corporate Bastard

An expression for a person working for a big company who has no say in what he does in his job only in how he does it. But since he works for a big company and has people working under him he acts like he achieved something in life and is generally a dickhead. Possibly driving a Q7

I had to suck this corporate bastard in his Q7 to be able to use the printer

by ThaSickUcker February 8, 2018

Barbell Bastard

Large nipple piercings on a man. A type of super kink.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a barbell bastard. He has to have them.

by HarvestGoodness April 4, 2020

Hanky Bastard

A term used to address somebody when you're too drunk to recognise whos talking to you

Guy: Bro! Get the fuck away from my girl... I'm gonna kick the shit outta you!
Drunk: ...Buck...the fack...up...ya Hanky Bastard

Jon: James you just puked on my shoes asshole!
James: ...haha, you hanky bastard.........damn straight

by pseudodactyl November 3, 2010