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Nothing Blake hasn't seen in a Dennys

a saying popular in North-Western America, used similarly to "Nothing I haven't seen before".

"Hey, that movie is so inappropriate!"

"Nothing Blake hasn't seen in a Dennys"

by your mum 420 October 13, 2022

Blake Bates The Big Chi Hoto

This dude exceeds all levels of gay.

Blake Bates the Big Chi Hoto? That’s Pretty Gay

by Takashi Is Your Dad January 21, 2019

Zoe loves blake more

Its when A zoe in a relationship loves a blake more in a relationship because i said so

Gemma: Wow zoe loves blake more!!

by Zoelovesblakemore November 18, 2020

1👍 4👎

Blake Dexter

A gay ass hoe who is the biggest sub you'll ever meet. smokes weed 25/8 and likes to be dominanted. a real penis.

Person: Man, that gay guy is so submissive!
Person 2: Sounds like you got a real Blake Dexter!

by spookyjojo April 10, 2019


The mispronunciation of the word "Blazing".

Edavārdi invites his friends to smoke some marijuana, by saying: "Let's blaze!" Drunk Igor chimes in: "Let's Blake!" Edavārdi and Igor are blaking.

by Kapiushon June 17, 2022


Hooking up with every single chic in a social circle, workplace etc. and then quitting or leaving to move onto the next one

“Any good chics at your new job?”
“Yeah bro I’m blaking them”

by FarkinSkits69 November 30, 2021

Zackory Blake Brown

A total stud and doesn’t have the biggest or shortest penis, but his friend Draiden talks to him, he gets a heart eyes emoji facial expression.

Zackory Blake Brown is cool and doesn’t get scammed on Fortnite Save the World

by Cool_man-not_zack May 29, 2023