bryan is a type of person that is always gay and always gets girls because he is gay.
Bryan: can we be friends its ok im gay
girl: Yea sure
A hot beautiful person with string muscles and is rich af
Bryan Was Happy
Bryan is a really outgoing person but only talks to his friends. If you Break his heart he will play sad music then do the “wap” dance.
Boy A: “Did his girlfriend break up with him”
Boy B: “I think so
Bryan:( at home playing sad music)him at school doing the “wap” dance in the bathroom.
He looks like an arrangement of ugly things; purple minion, Rumpelstiltskin, baby grinch, and un ratooooon. He's mommy's favorite. He's so far up her ass that he was born with some shit on his ears. He has beef with the tooth fairy so she took all his teeth. He's bilingual thanks to his brothers, he speaks English and fatass. His hobby is eating while watching spy ninjas on mommy's phone.
Bryan is so annoying.
Bryan Q describes a person who is so inconsiderate to others around him that nobody likes him.
A boy…. He can be nice and is very athletic. He is a show off. He gets all the girls and acts super cool. He is actually very nerdy on the inside.
When you perform a Steamy Richard (Where you take a solid shit in a sock, microwave til steam comes out of the pores, slap a friend with it) then assfuck the friend and clean off your dick in their mouth or cunt.
I was just sitting there and he performed a steamy Bryan on me. Ruined my night.