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Eraser Burn

When you take the end of an eraser and rub it against your skin for a long time, quickly. It leaves a scar.

I got this huge eraser burn picture of a penis on back, matt did it while i was sleeping

by dvs December 4, 2005

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ass burn

what you say in georgia for some asprin

Asprin:sum thing used to care headaeds

jimmy:Got dam it, it you don't go down there to that store and get me some assburn i will kick your ass

by funkyduckys August 24, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ski burn

When you go skiing down a slope in only a t-shirt and shorts like a retard without sunscreen. As a result, almost half your face gets red and the skin gets all chapped.

Shane: Dude, did you see the ski burn on jacks face?
Marty: Yeah man, that shit sucks.

by Thenamemichaelwasalreadytaken April 14, 2008

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grass burn

A slight injury similar to run burn that comes from falling or being dragged hard on grass/ground outside.

usually from outdoor games such as soccer, football, and Hug-A-Bear

Dude I got some nasty grass burn from that game of Hug-A-Bear Yesterday.

Person A: Wow what happened to the skin on your arm?
Person B: It's grassburn.

by theplauge April 30, 2009

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Whammy Burning

Whammy Burning is the art of making love with such vigour that the friction causes pubic hair to smoulder and occasionaly ignite.

Whammy Burning can be used as an alternative hair removal technique.

"Hi love, do you fancy some whammy burning tonight.?"

by Rich Kempa January 13, 2008

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jerk burn

When one masturbates so often they develops friction burns of their genitelia

ie: Jimmy has been jacking off so much he has jerk burn

by demented2 December 24, 2007

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burn outs

Being in the state of "blah" for excess amount(s) of time. Confusion about where they are, what they are doing, and where the pot is. Odds are burn outs have the slighest idea that they are in fact, burn outs.

Man, I can't believe we told the pizza guy the wrong house to deliver it. Goddamit, we're burn outs.

by BIG JILM September 17, 2006

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