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Cancer & Aries is the best duo ever like the least problematic, They are just meant to be besties and they slay all day. They rarley ever fight and care about eachothers feelings. If u hurt one of them the other one will put u in ur place .

Person 1: whats ur sign
Person2: Aries, what are you?
Person1: omgg im a cancer
Person 1 and person 2: omggg were besties now
Random: is that a Aries+Cancer together?

by Jamierose725 January 14, 2023

love cancer

Love cancer is a type of love that is uncontrollable and from the second that you meet them you instantly fall in love. No matter what he’s done to you,you still love him.

No one:I don’t understand why you still like him
You:He gives me love cancer

by 👅Yazz👅 January 2, 2019

Cum cancer

Cum cancer is when your cum turns into a solid and permanent rash. It's called cum cancer because it occurs when someone cums on you, if they have the desise, that cum will make a permanent marke/tumor on the person's skin

Tom gave Alana cum cancer

by N_E_K June 13, 2016

cancer vase

A hookah

The party I attended had no less than 10 cancer vases

by Bob Da Vinci November 7, 2018

double cancer

the result of getting anally fucked by cancer. this rare dsease is spread by phil swift. if you see phil and all he can seeis martians run your mother fucking ass off or youll get anally fucked.
also caused when someone that is close to you converts into a larry enticer.

"my dad got double cancer now because of phil swift."

by hgygyg November 14, 2018

Cancer Case

Also known as mixed case. Essentially when someone types something in alternating case to mock, ridicule, or imply that the given statement is dumb.

>>"You're too young to be doing that"
>>"YoU'rE tOo yOuNg To bE dOiNg ThAt"
-- Ah, resulting to cancer case to prove your point. Nice.

by Napski1 November 15, 2021

Cancer Stick

Another word for cigarette

Alright boys gona go have a cheeky cancer stick

by YaDaSellsAvonM8 March 5, 2019