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The Curious Case of Penetrated Buttocks

Porn movie based on the film "The Curious Case of Bejamin Button"

P1 - "I watched The Curious case of penetrated buttocks last night"

P2 - "Yeah it was ok, I ... wait, WHA-?!?!"

by rONALD huMBLES rOADDS February 25, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Floppy Disk Carrying Case

A device for transporting and protecting 3.5 inch floppy disks.

My floppy disk carrying case got wet when it rained, but my floppy disk remained intact and performing at a high level due to the water resistance of the carrying case.

by floppy disk guy March 2, 2004

23๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

case western reserve university

Anyone who has ever read (and presumably understood) Sartre's "No Exit" will have no problem understanding how this "powerful school that finds itself on fertile ground for students with imagination, innovation, and motivation" functions in the real world. Notice, first, that everyone who offers a good definition of Case here offers only idyllic platitudes.

Case is the ultimate institution of absurdity.

1.Academics -- Case's academics are actually pretty good. When you compare it with other institutions, however, the workload is mind-numbing. The problem isn't necessarily that you have to work hard. However, this conversation illustrates the problem:

A: the first year is the worst by far.
B: how come?
A: because after the first year you are mentally acclimated to the fact that your professors will give you more work than you can physically do. By the second year you realize that you can't do everything, so you feel more comfortable in your inability.

The academics are not ivy-league. But the workload is more than comparable. The ratio should be even, but it's lopsided.

2.Social life -- parties at Case have a customary policy of "girls only" because if boys can get in, the ratio will always be lopsided. The amount of girls that party is already low, but the amount of guys who want to meet girls and get laid without remembering the morning after is astronomically high.

Michael Chrichton, in Airframe, wrote that little boys reach a crossroads around the age of 13. Most boys stop playing with their toys, start socializing with girls, and date. The engineers didn't get the memo, and keep playing with their toys. Case is an engineering school, and the boys love their toys. Many Friday and Saturday nights involve (at least in this dorm) six guys piling into one room to play XBOX or WoW while a couple girls lay on the floor, tacitly watching in complete boredom as they listen to "WHAT I TOTALLY JUMPED YOU WERE SO DEAD OH MY GOD YOU'RE SO CHEAP."

3.Size -- it takes almost 30 minutes to walk from one side of campus to the other. There are only 4,000 undergrads (compared with 20-30,000 at University of ______) and the number of buildings makes absolutely no sense.

4.Administration -- the administration at Case is concerned with finding the best non-solution to problems. As you can read in other definitions, they spend a bunch of money (raising that tuition!) on something completely erroneous that has nothing to do with the problem.

If you have a good sense of humor, you can come to Case, observe that literally nothing works in the way it should, that there is an absurd "solution" to every problem, that you have "one of those days" every single day...and laugh about it. You accept it soon enough, and it's funny to laugh at the purely miserable state of everything, and how people try to pretend that it's still a world-class institution. A surface-level look at things shows that it's a cool school, but closer examination will only reveal the dysfunctionality of every facet of the campus.

But it's a namebrand education, and it has a reputation which precedes it by leagues. The bottom line is this: if you want an education that only involves you training for a specific job, come to Case. If you want an education that has a less myopic focus, Case probably isn't the place for you.

Isn't it ironic that our Case Western Reserve University English class is reading "No Exit" this week?

by Rock Month November 6, 2006

135๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ur dads trophy case

1. A insult or roast toward another

2. A simple way to savagely RECK YOUR FRIENDS๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ

You can shove it up your dads trophy case!!! Woahhhhh

by 420snappin420 October 29, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Case Western Reserve University


Synonyms: Case, Hell, Nerd's Xanadu, pit of despair from which you shall never escape

Case Western Reserve University, formerly known to students as CWRU (pronounced "crew") and now called by the administration-enforced moniker "Case", is a small engineering and science oriented college in the ghettos of Cleveland, Ohio. This insidious institution lures prospective students with promises of graduation within four years and well-paying jobs soon after.

Once these new students arrive, they quickly realize the truth. Segregated in the โ€œNorth Residential Villageโ€, a desolate collection of rundown dorms far from the center of campus, freshmen are confronted with the complete lack of campus activities and the sheer tedium of day to day existence. Surrounded by introverted computer geeks who seem on the verge of spontaneous combustion every time the sun appears and uniformly unattractive members of the opposite sex, students quickly turn to Caseโ€™s high speed computer network for solace. Here some freshmen have been known to download multiple gigabytes of pornography while simultaneously maxing out their bandwidth allotments.

Once the academic year begins in earnest, things only continue in their downward spiral. Apathetic professors and incompetent TAs pile mind numbing amounts of work on their students, quickly reducing them to burnt-out husks of their former selves. In response, some overachieving students have resorted to unabashed ass kissing to maintain their grades, while the most intelligent students leave Case at their earliest opportunity. Those who remain become malleable zombies ideal for low wage labor in Caseโ€™s many โ€œstudent employmentโ€ positions. Tests are difficult at Case, and after finals the near-suicidal students stumble home looking for work to replenish their tuition-depleted bank accounts.

Unfortunately for upperclassmen, matters do not improve in subsequent years. Classes get harder, life gets duller, and hair gets thinner. Ulcers eat away at students as caffeine intake is increased to cope with the larger workload.

Let this be a warning to any prospective students who are considering Case Western Reserve University. Turn back now and choose a better school, before it is too lateโ€ฆ

Overheard on the Case Quad:

You think you've had it rough? You have no idea what I did with Prof. XXXXXXX for my math grade!

by A Jaded Case Student January 8, 2005

541๐Ÿ‘ 358๐Ÿ‘Ž

Case Western Reserve University

Case Western Reserve University is a school where you can have a great 4 years if you want to, or a painful four years if you only dwell on how it doesn't compare to your stereotypical college.

I had a great time at case, graduated in four years, and ended up with a high paying job (even though the career center is somewhat lacking). I also made the most of my time in college, I played sports, joined a fraternity, got involved with a couple clubs, and got to know as many people as I could. Sure there was a lot of work, and that definately got my down at times, but if you don't want an academically challenging school, then you shouldn't go to case.

So, to all the freshmen who have posted "definitions" of Case on here, the school is only what you make of it, so make the best of it!

Damn do I miss all those hot Case Western Reserve University girls!

by 2004 graduate February 16, 2005

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Right Wing Basket Cases

Basically, all of the lunatic right wing sheep who follow the failed/corrupt Repuke-likkan party and have not one iota of critical thinking ability. Cowards

"Hey, why don't those Right Wing Basket Cases sign up to go fight that war they love so much!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

by Bill B. March 20, 2006

53๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž