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Job central

A way to say someone doesn’t have a job

Jack: fortnite is my whole life!
Griffin: job central just called, they’ve never heard of you

by CandyCaneGod November 15, 2023

Coosa Central High School

A high school where there's fights that break water fountains with the persons head, teachers arrested during class, teacher/coach affairs, boys who put fishhooks on their hats, moldy lunch food, constant drug tests, and principles condoning drug use as long as YOU are growing it.

Person 1: "Did you hear about that big fight?"
Person 2: "Yeah...that's Coosa Central High School kids for you."

by bro.idk January 30, 2021

dub central

4 lame dudes playing video games. Most likely playing Fortnite. Although they claim it's dub central, most likely catching losses

What's Nihar doing tonight? Probably with dub central. I'm guessing Raghuram too?

by jagattack May 5, 2024

Crackhead central

Sarnia Ontario, definitely stay away from this city, that is known as “crackhead central” an “chemical valley.” Lived here my whole life and I hate the place it’s honestly disgusting in so many ways and just a shitty place to live.

I live in crackhead central

by BbyAnonymous June 15, 2022

Asian Central

Asian Central. The number #1 banter page on Instagram. If you do not follow, you are a simp.

Judge: Do you follow Asian Central?

Person: Yes
Judge: *checks persons Instagram*

Judge: You do not follow Asian Central, so you are a simp
Person: Jine Mera Dil Luteya
Judge: Oho

by Asian Central April 22, 2020

Valley Central

A school that has a terrible foot ball team and a vary liberal staff and administrators, and the food is terrible

I would never send my kids to valley central

by Mr. nips October 29, 2021

Vomit Central

A place or situation in which a couple has done something or acts in a way that makes you want to vomit.

yea totally vomit central in there

by grasshopper84 December 14, 2010