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The Caitlin Clark

When you’re hitting it from behind and you blast so hard after you pull out , it hits the girl on the back of her head. Like from down town, like from half court.

This girl was backing it up on me I pulled out with the Caitlin Clark

by Travgary March 9, 2024

Joel Clark

A youtuber star who needs to post more vlogs...

Joel clark post more videos k thanks..

by Famous Birthdays August 19, 2017

Alexander Clark

A magician who is very attractive, smokes marijuana and yeet skeets around.

Alexander Clark is so cool! I love him

by unknown9382828 October 6, 2019

Darrell Clarke

Massive fan of all things dogs
Also has yorkshire terrier porn on his laptop
Manager of the 2nd best team in Burslem

That darrell clarke guy is a massive dog wanker, I even heard he makes the players bring their pets to training sessions

by jamiewatsonwfc October 27, 2021

Frankie Clark

Frankie Clark is and funny dependable understanding guy with a bright future but his one downside is that he’s fucking blind and can’t see what the fuck is in front of him

Frankie Clark is a good guy

by Some guy who knows all January 5, 2022

frankie clark

Known to be a boy with a VERY large penis, much bigger thank a Vincent or a Connor

Girl: have you seen the size of frankie clarks penis?
Girl 2: yeah it's massive!

by #connorlukehasachoudandvincent April 22, 2017

thea clarke

Thea Clarke - Pronounced (Tee. Ahh. K. L. A. R. KE.)

Thea Clarke is a fucking party animal! If you have a friend called Thea Clarke you need to take her to the parties! Bring 5 bottles of passion pop and shes gone!

She lights up the party and after a few hours shes bouncing off the walls!

bloody lightweight!

Thea Clarke may also be known as someone who has an issue with their bottom! Meaning that they cannot stop farting! I swear watch out for them Thea Clarkes!

"Watch out for Thea Clarke!"

"Yeah! I've heard she's a smelly one!"


"Watch out for Thea Clarke!"

"Yeah! I've heard she's a smelly one!"

by HELO November 17, 2014