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Craig Nicholls

Shit at Battlefield

Craig Nicholls is shit at Battlefield

by Mr Facts ftw September 11, 2021

craig duffy

To wank one’s biological father off.

Hey dad, you look stressed. Could I Craig Duffy you?

by PoliticallyCorrect May 30, 2022

Craig Houlden

bald irish man who's friends with mark goldbridge and and loves Liverpool Football Club. had a shout at Alisson once.

Craig Houlden: "I am a btec goldbridge"

by SUPER SUPER FRANK August 25, 2021


a one night stand hook-up that you have with someone, that, as the name implies, you have "met" through a Craigslist personals ad.

Two teenage boys are in conversation:

James: I am no longer a virgin

George: lol. What did you do to pop it? Cuz I will kill you if I you popped my ex-girlfriend Christina's cherry. Or did you date-rape some carnival floozie, like Homer Simpson's brother?

James: Um, roflmao, no. I did none of the junk you have enumerated so far. FYI George, i had a craigs-hook.

George: Wow!. So I guess you really were that desperate to lose your virginity that you even abandoned all moral pretexts and turned to Craigslist. Interesting

by Sexydimma January 22, 2012


a one night stand hook-up that you have with someone, that, as the name implies, you have "met" through a Craigslist personals ad.

Two teenage boys are in conversation:

James: I am no longer a virgin

George: lol. What did you do to pop it? Cuz I will kill you if I you popped my ex-girlfriend Christina's cherry. Or did you date-rape some carnival floozie, like Homer Simpson's brother?

James: Um, roflmao, no. I did none of the junk you have enumerated so far. FYI George, i had a craigs-hook.

George: Wow!. So I guess you really were that desperate to lose your virginity that you even abandoned all moral pretexts and turned to Craigslist. Interesting.

by Sexydimma January 16, 2012

Craig wilcock

All the gear and no idea

That guy is a real Craig wilcock

by That jerk May 30, 2023

On craig

When you put something on craig and don't follow up with it, you must put semen on a cracker and eat it.

Boy: she called you hot on craig
Girl: I never said that, now you gotta eat a cracker

by Shrek_papi9 April 27, 2023