That shit that makes you go straight retarded.
Ethan hit that sped dank and is FUCKED up
A word that describes a very lit and superior giraffe.
It's a debt you have to someone because they let you smoke a bunch of their weed and now you have to pay them back with your own.
Dave and Carlos are hanging out on a warm summer's night. David turns to Carlos and whispers seductively into Carlos' nervous ear, "May I smoke some of your weed, my good ol' friend". Carlos turning away in anger thought to himself, "Fuck I have a dank debt to him. He let me smoke all of his dad's weed". Carlos turns back to Dave and says reluctantly, "I guess you can have some". With a look of shame, Carlos handed him his dank and a tear almost fell out of his eyes. Almost because Mary Jane dried his eyes out.
The stuff(toilet paper or dried poop)in between your boody cheeks.
Retirement from dank.
“Dude, can’t wait to come out of dank-tirement this weekend”
Of the highest quality. Such high quality that everyone in the room knows how Dank it is.
There's no question that this shit right here is Stanka Dank.