A man whose manhood needs no proving.
Similar to The Dean One only supersized, The Dean One 2. A mythical net man with the ability to talk many women into marriage, giving up everything and moving across the country just by talking to them on the phone.
a man that is so powerful that all the bitches gravitate toward him
The coolest man on the planet with a huge penis, friends often look up to him and are jelous of his skill of attracting women 20+years.
Wow I wish i was like dean gray
Telling a black person they have insulted a white person
Nick Cannon, white people need to Paula Dean your ass regarding your white face character
A great guy who is extremely republican, a little bit communist, humorous, might seem a little racist, and has the biggest dick in the world.
Damn, Russell Dean always with them fucking republicans! Russell DigBick
Dean-walling is the act of decorating your room or home in a manipulative attempt to make women who are interested in astrology, crystal healing, or fortune telling, more comfortable in your presence.
"Dude, please take down the statue of Athena, you're dean-walling to fuck these hippie girls; it's sad."