When two or more people who possess similar passionate tastes in various hobbies, areas of study and other pursuits deemed "dorky" or "nerdy" engage in a non-sanctioned competition wherein the winner is crowned by their superior knowledge in said category.
We had a total dork-off while discussing trilobites and animal bones at the gem and mineral show.
A driver who can't follow directions, leaves their turn signal on too long, constantly fails to signal when switching lanes, goes way too slow under posted speed limit, tailgates in a furious manner and/or failing to use proper road etiquette while driving.
Bad driver
Angry driver
a rushed driver
Lily is driving a long and a guys tailgates behind her, frustrated the driver swerves into the other lane without signaling almost hitting another car, speeds up to the car in front and swerves back into the previous lane, cutting off Lily.
Lily to herself: Stupid Road Dork!
1. An ass-kisser
2. One who performs fellacio frequently
1. I see you bought the boss a new tie - you're such a dork snorkeler.
2. Dude, you should just take her back to your crib; I hear she's a straight dork snorkeler.
1👍 1👎
a dumbass or a pain in the ass
my brother is such a dork muffin
An eccentricity of someone that makes them antisocial.
His dork quirk is that he rocks back and forth in his chair when he's alone.
Literally just Maximus Rubalcava
Fuck you Max you dorky punk ass bitch
Someone who sits in the bathtub, farts, and pops the bubbles with their mouth
I found out my girlfriend was a dork after she left the bath with shit breath