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A complete idiot that lacks the intelligence to know what the word dumbass means

If you can't figure out what the word dumbass means then take a look at what you're searching and then you'll find out what dumbass means You dumbass

by ಠ_ರೃ 1997 September 23, 2018


Some guy who forgot to turn off his screenshare during a Zoom meeting.

Example: "Kevin is a dumbass. He kept his Zoom screenshare on and leaked his Discord messages filled Swastikas. Now, his class knows he's two type of person"

by SnowlockHolmes March 12, 2021


A term of endearment used to express affections or respect.

You're a dumbass ❤️❤️❤️

by CaptainVegetable March 22, 2024


An insanely dumb and annoying person who knows it but continues with the dumb shit they do!

Kim: “She’s such a dumbass!”
Taylor: “I know right?!”

by Cosmora July 29, 2018


Someone who looks up dumbass in a dictionary

Your a dumbass for looking this up honestly

by M1u1rum4 August 30, 2021


A Trump Supporter

Person 1: I support trump
Person 2: fucking dumbass

by hiimsmart August 12, 2020


You. And also the expression of of a person who is often seen as dumb (hence the name) or stupid.

Becky: What’s 2+2?
Taylor: 5 Dumbass.

by WhereIsTheSpaceBar July 15, 2019