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Jeremy in the sink

daniel howell and phil lester's baby from silent hill

mOm! thats not a fEtus! iTS Jeremy iN the sInk

by xXitsXkateXuwuXx March 3, 2020


An Indian kid who calls himself black. He acts gay but is maybe not. He kisses dudes. And likes to sleep on the floor for fun. He has no rizz, and is partially deaf. He also like likes Queen Elizabeth. But he has the biggest forehead and nose you’ll ever see. But you know what that means… BIG PERSONALITY.

Have you see Jeremy


by QueenElizabethdied September 12, 2022


Jeremy is literally such a nice and caring guy he’s is cute nice and i really do like him you should protect Jeremy at all cost he nice and will make blush really easily he is so funny and loving he’s amazing and he has a big brain/dick according to him he’s amazing and omg does he have amazing eyes there beautiful and the besttttt I like him smmmm she’s a cracker tho 😧

Omg Jeremy is so cuteeeee!!!

by .std.free March 11, 2022


Jeremy is this kid that has a doorknob for a pee pee. Jeremy also likes long walks at the park while he touches your boyfriends dick. Jeremy is also a ugly ass mixed kid.

Jeremy has a small dick it’s like a doorknob.

by PussySlayerMike July 5, 2019


Commonly used for naming dicks but can also refer to someone whose ass is hairyer than an ape... beware , Jeremy's are also well known for their amazing skill at picking up men! With all this being said , if you know Jeremy and you're a male consider what you do in front of him because you never know when he can be spreading those cheeks for you boiii

Goddamnit , Jeremy spread his ass cheeks wide open last night.. once again!

by Biglegend69 January 24, 2017


The tallest guy you will see.

Woah! Is that Jeremy! I have to look so high up.

by gay_man123 August 6, 2024


Kaiden's Slave that he has been training for years now. He's a good little bitch thats a good boy.

Kaiden's Bitch is Jeremy

by RealKidOutHere_ August 7, 2023