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Frenchie joint

A joint rolled by a joint roller resulting in a slimmer looking joint compared to one that's rolled by hand

A: Dude roll a joint
B: I can only roll Frenchie joint with this joint roller

by Username2000 January 24, 2024

Joints not points

Smoking weed instead of harder drugs like method or crack.

Person 1:Wanna smoke some meth?
Person 2: nah man, "Joints not points" for me.

Joints not points is just someone who prefers weed over any other drugs.

by JointsNotPoints May 5, 2023

Napkin Joint

when the pocket on your booty shorts hangs out below your hemline which is only worn by basic white girls.

tinder boy:” gurrllll u basic, u got those shorts with them napkin joints”


by peterpan_69 April 24, 2018

jointy joint

It's an object

Go look over at that little jointy joint

by Nigapie December 11, 2017

Taint Joint

The Taint Joint is something only passed off upon someone in ill will. Marijuana is rolled into a cigarette also commonly know as a joint, later the joint is placed along the taint, secured for a time underneath the sweaty scrotum. Later this joint is given to an unsuspecting victim who in turn later smokes your sweaty taint grease.

I was really pissed at them, so I slipped them a Taint Joint.

by Bob~Da~Builder January 12, 2014

Government Joint

A cigarette

"You still smoke government joints?"

by Jimothy Slaps January 19, 2022

Hangover Joint

The joint one smokes after having a hangover the night before. It is said that this joint whilst being hungover hits different.

Seth: I got so sloshed last night, let’s get high tonight, that hangover joint hits different.

James: Let’s do it!

by 69joon January 21, 2022