A person who uses the fight against social justice warriors as an excuse to be rude, condescending, and sometimes violent for the purpose of relieving their frustrations or validating their sense of unwarranted moral superiority. The behaviors of antisocialocial justice warriors usually have no impact on the civil rights movement since it is their arguments social justice warriors decided to fight and ASJW only strenghen SJWs believe of being needed.
Behaving like an antisocial justice warrior is as stupid as to behave like an social justice warrior
When Republicans in Montana don't want to answer uncomfortable policy questions and instead resort to violence
The politician didn't want to answer the reporter's question so he resorted to Montana Justice to silence him instead.
The efed faction that stands against injustice, mostly the Children of Elysia (CoE), and all who would threaten to corrupt that efed with cult like tactics. Led by Jonathan Justice.
The Shield of Justice quickly defeated the Children of Elysia, proving once again to be the best faction in the fed.
So, I'm watching this clip, right?
Hym "From Justice League: War. The one where Vandal Savage uses Batman's contingencies against the Justice League, right? And it's the part where the Flash gets a bomb bolted to his wrist, right? So Batman sends him to an iceberg so he can phase through it and shake the bomb off, right? But when the bomb explodes, ice shrapnel hits Barry and cuts his clothes and I'm like... How? How does that explosion propel ice... FASTER THAN THE FLASH in a full sprint? I mean, he's running in the same direction as the shrapnel so it was moving literally fast enough to catch the flash with a head start, cut his arm, and the shockwave sent him reeling. It shouldn't be possible. Especially with him running fast enough to run on water! Even then he could have just continued to phase until the explosion when off. Doesn't make sense. There you have anime logic at it's finest. Go watch that show if you haven't seen it. Especially Jennifer Lawrence. You definitely need to see it Jenny as you have no culture. Now go forth. I command it."
An ethical rule that states that before an individual can start calling out other people for making discriminatory comments or performing biased actions against minorities, the individual must first acknowledge and deal with their own implicit and explicit biases, as well as effectively manage their emotions, so they can lead by example. This includes recognizing biases that are not typically viewed as being part of social justice. (That means you must confront biases like Privilege of the Living and Political Identity Privilege.) It is recommended that when calling someone out over biased comments or behavior that you try to so in a calm and polite manner, so they are less likely to feel attacked, and to avoid supporting the stereotypes about social justice supporters spread by some far-right wing political commentators. Basically, if you expect other people to listen to you and change their behavior in order to be less biased, then you have to be willing to deal with your own biases and privilege and control your emotions.
The social justice two-way expectation rule is an important ethical responsibility for any person considering standing up to discrimination, because if you don’t deal with your own biases first, then a lot of people will ignore you due to the fact you don’t practice what you preach. Failing to deal with your biases prior to calling someone out can also negatively impact the views of social justice in other people as they may see the movement as being just being all talk, without producing any real results.
Maybe the confederacy pledge? I dunno.
Please rise for the Pledge of Confederacy. "I pledge allegiance to the South of the Confederate States of America. And to the confederacy, for which it stands, one nation, under God, divisible from the Union, with Liberty and Justice for the South."
A hero just like Batman but blue and is really fast and was first sighted in Seattle at night in a robbery trying to save it but went wrong
John:did you see the blue justice last night.
Josh:no who is he?
John:he’s just like Batman but fast and blue