Exercising so much your obliques resemble a lego man's. Particularily from the belville series.
guy: Hey .... I'm a body builder, come packaged with washboard abs and legoman legs.
After a man pees, there is about a spoon full amount of pee that dribbles out down the leg afterwards. Often shows up as a wet spot around the pants fly.
You should have given your willy a couple more shakes, for now you have spoon leg.
The act in which one begins to narrarate ones own life according to the style of the lengthy book just read in a short period of time.
"Frank's still talking like hes an elf in a bloody fantasy novel."
"Probably stuck on his book legs."
the indents in your leg when you push your fat close together.
its just my craydah leg
When a man puts 3 quarters of his leg inside an anal of a female, hence, making them shit out of their nose.
An Australian slang word for a small measurement of cannabis.
A measurement of cannabis = small stick of weed that resembles a baby horses leg (poe/nee/leh/guh).
Do you think I'm Japanese or a horse breeder? No? Then why are you selling me a pony leg.
You got anything to smoke? Nah man all I have is a pony's leg.
When a person has legs so thin, that the thighs are as thin as their shins, so resemble the legs on birds.
Her legs are so thin they look like he legs on a stork or other bird legs.