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bobby log

extremely large poop that will not flush

joe pooped out a bobby log in the toilet and it would not flush

by cade1op March 24, 2018

london logging

Big London shit

Oh boy I just did a classic London logging

by London_logger May 22, 2019

Jogger's Log

The condition brought about by performing strenuous physical activity with a loaded colon. Symptoms can range from acute fart pressure buildup to severe mudbutt, and in some cases, sharts.

Sorry for the half-assed performance, coach. I've got a bad case of jogger's log and might fill my britches if I don't keep a full clench.

by Tcd November 21, 2013

Decorative Log

Intentionally leaving a turd in the toilet, for others to view and be amazed by

Lucy left Duncan a decorative log.

'Wow!' Duncan said 'what's gone into that?!'

by Barneyfowell April 6, 2016

Alaskan logging

The act of multiple people engaging in a competition of doing anal with multiple people, scraping the shit off your dick and measuring who scraped the most off in the span of a week.

The loser then collects all the shit and puts it in a lava lamp, and it forever sits on their nightstand floating beautifully

Me and Cody just got into a Alaskan logging contest and he just got a new lava lamp!

by Alaskan boi December 27, 2021

Doodle Logging

Whenever you have to take a nice solid shit but instead of letting it drop you clench it with your anus. You then waddle over to the bare walls, turn around and bend over to expose the tip of shit and use the walls as your canvas.

Nick forgot to lock the bathroom door again. When I walked in he was doodle logging my walls. I really think he's the next Picasso. I just wish he practiced his craft at his own place.

by Merchaholic March 5, 2020

Clog Log

A massive deuce birthed with the sole intention of ruining a janitor or plumber’s day.

Tim: How were the bathrooms?
Horace: I dropped the biggest clog log of my life in the shitter.
Tim: Making a big impression, I see.

by Gus Mahler September 23, 2018