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Muffin Juice

The new slang for vaginal secretion.

Kevin: Dude what happened?

Jimmy: I was going down on her and her muffin juice got all over my shirt!

by Vanilla Weis June 1, 2009

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Muffin Mash

The female equivalent of teabag.

1. To apply, with a certain amount of pressure, ones vulva to another persons face, preferably leaving a degree of vaginal residue around the nose, mouth, or forehead of said person.

2. When after you die in the bad, a female gamer sits on your corpse's face repeatedly.

After killing that gnome hunter for the 13th time, I lifted my robe, exposed my lady parts, and muffin mashed him.

by Fabrication May 29, 2009

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Skux Muffin

Someone who did something cool.
A very cool/tasty Muffin.
A general compliment.

Jarrod is wearing formal...what a skux muffin.
Joel's speech was amazing what a skux muffin.

by Nugnet August 2, 2010

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Muffin Master

The Ability to Bake Bomb Ass Muffins, Thus Muffin Master.

Master of the Muffin Baking.
Master of the Muffin Eating.
Master of Drinking Coffee and Eating Muffins

I can bake some bomb ass muffins...thus implying i am a Muffin Master

by Master of The Muffin September 5, 2007

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pink muffin

when a man, particularly south asian, bangs a kinky sex slave in every hole cause her to explode pink cake batter all over you dick and you eat it.

do you know the pink muffin man that lives in south asia and slams fat bitches.

Dude my bro curtis was telling me how he pink muffined the shit out of his indian slave bitch and it tasted better than marges dirty vaginal cabbage juice.

by sex slave master69 my nipples January 10, 2011

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Muffin Fuck

An exclamatory remark that one makes after making a wrong move in tetris.


by Barri the Clown December 23, 2008

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stud muffin

a word derived for a man who is in part percieved by females as a stud and with such a word as muffin added meaning that females also want to devour such a man as muffin would be from an oven

oh homegirls he's such a studmuffin i'd just love to be with him and enjoy the pleasures of a studmuffin like him

by petewoo June 5, 2005

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