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Long Money

A stack of bills too large to fold or fit in a wallet.

I don't use a money clip cuz my long money won't fit.

by Sonik 24 April 26, 2010

72๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

monopoly money

1. Play money from the popular board game Monopoly
2. What ignorant citizens of the USA call foreign currency.

1. My three-year-old sister has drooled all over most of the monopoly money.

2. US Citizen: "Look at this Monopoly Money! Why can't you have REAL money, like Americans?"
Canadian: "This IS real money."
US Citizen: "I can't understand your stupid accent! SPEAK AMERICAN!"

by Hidinginthelibrary December 10, 2007

232๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž

money line

The 'Money Line' can be used with all traditional sports and just about anything else you can wager on (football, basketball, baseball, hockey, boxing, tennis, golf, NASCAR, soccer, etc.). In a 'Money Line' there is no point spread. The money line determines the amount of money laid and the amount of money won when wagering on either the favorite or the underdog. The highest negative money line determines the favorite team, and the lowest negative money line and all positive money lines determine the underdog. The most common case is the favorite with a negative line and the underdog with a positive one.

Dodgers +110
Astros -120
In this example the Astros are favored by -120 and the Dodgers are the underdog +110. When wagering on the favorite (Astros), you have to lay $120 for every $100 you want to win. And, when wagering on the underdog (Dodgers), for every $100 wagered you would win $110. Notice that on a negative money line you must lay more to win less and on a positive money line you lay less to win more.
The money line used in this example is called a 'dime line', termed so because of the 10-cent difference between the favorite and the underdog.
Money lines are used most often in Baseball season. The typical Baseball format includes both a money line for the side and a money line for the total. If you wish to wager on the Over, you have to lay $120 for every $100 you want to win. If you wish to wager on the Under, it is an even money wager (EV) and for every $100 you lay, you win $100.
Mets -240 7 -120
Astros +220 EV
The line in the above example would read: "Mets favorite minus two-forty, total seven, over minus one-twenty."
On the side:
For every $240 you wager on the Mets (favorite), you will win $100.
For every $100 you wager on the Astros (underdog), you will win $220.
On the total:
For every $120 you wager on the Over, you will win $100.
For every $100 you wager on the Under, you will win $100.
get it?

by x February 1, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Easy money

1) A job that involves little effort but pays well

2) A simple task


1) A Lawyer

2) Student: 'I cheated and found out all the answers for that exam tomorrow'

Mate: 'Easy money'

by AJ Dub March 19, 2007

61๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

lol money

The best, and most skilled freestyle in existence on the planet.

see for details: lolmoney.com, moneylol.com

lol money
money lol
money lol
money money money
money lol

by RedWater February 1, 2008

53๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blood money

1. the fee paid to a hired killer
2. money acquired from life insurance policies of your "loved ones"

1. i only got 200$ of blood money after killing mikes father

2. my grama died and i only got 50$ in blood money! wtf?!

by big robert November 24, 2004

184๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž

money train

A train that carries money. Cannot be stopped. Can also be used to refer to any unstoppable force.

"Nothing stops the money train!"

by xelpmoc October 22, 2007

28๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž