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No to be confused with all African-American citizens, only those who deem it neccessary to try and impress or intimidate society.
In other words a no good piece of shit little man who constantly complains of being screwed by the "Man." Never says who the "Man" is, does nothing to stop this "Man", but continues to bitch about it. What niggers usually do for fun is: complain about "dem white folk", gang up on one person because they are to weak to fight one on one, rape women, and perform a driveby. These people downgrade proper acting African-Amercians and set back all that the Afrcan-Americans have tried to get themselves.

"There they go again, those no good niggers."

by Chikacha September 23, 2007

86๐Ÿ‘ 362๐Ÿ‘Ž


a word that means one you is ignorant and unknowing, uneducated. used during the slave era towards black and also towards Irish people during their immagration

those irish are such niggers

by mswity February 21, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be triggered but your black

Tyrone is always niggered

by Soccer lord March 11, 2017

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the inferior race

kyle: ewww look at that nigger

nigger: what you say fool

by futalover November 5, 2020

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A Racial slur Toward African-Americans


by Bigbootynigga69 March 16, 2022

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A term used to describe someone who doesn't work; sucks in all the welfare. This term has been historically associated with black people. There can be white niggers (white people who do not work and are lazy) and niggers of all races.

"Stop being such a nigger and start doing your chores." Karen said to her daughter.

by Eric Chun (not my real name) April 17, 2021

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To put it simply:

White person- Racist

Mexican- May or May not be racist

Black person: Not racist

If you're White, don't say nigger. If you're black, say it loud and proud.

by Eddie the Head July 5, 2021

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