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Dirty Phil

When a dad tickles his sons pickle out of enjoyment

I pulled a dirty phil last night

by Kimo420Blazin January 15, 2021

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Phil Jaques Moment

When one commits an act that can be compared to retadism. Common in teenage boys living in Mount Waverley. Perfected by Andrew M. Committing a 'Phil Jaques Moment' can result in the offender being beaten and ridiculed relentlessly.

Anthony: Oh Shit! I just dropped my priceless ming vase!
Andrew: Bah!!! Phil Jaques Moment!
(punches ensue)

by currently_situated November 2, 2006

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Phil danze effect

This is within the aspect of dragging everyone around you down as far as possible because you are a lazy sack of shit who can’t do anything correctly outside of your own arrogant perspective. In order to perfect this you must weighy a gross amount of weight and attempt to run a farm where you have no idea what you are doing even with animals you have owned for many years. Not only this but pass most of the work onto your kids who had no intention to share the money hole amount of work with you. Nobody will like you even your own family because you are a nuisance with your mouth and body in every way. The only thing you will be useful for is shoving shit down your throat and yelling.

Friend: Yo bro are you going to the party?
Me: Nah I heard Phil danze effect will be there

by Legoman26 August 31, 2023

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Phil Collins (drink)

Put about 8 oz of fresh human semen, 2 oz of Parfait Amour and some ice in a shaker. Shake until frothy. If possible, stir with erect male genitalia and pour into a Collins glass. Garnish with male pubic hair. Best served while listening to awful music.

”I’m done man, just give me a Phil Collins (drink). Hold the cheese. What I’m gonna do in the toilet will solve all my problems. Sorry about the bloody mess in advance. One just doesn’t voluntarily listen to Phil Collins without some kinda death wish...”

by LoydMongo January 10, 2019

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Peanut Butter Phil

The act of covering a man's penis in a thick coat of peanut butter and then using one's mouth to suck all of the peanut butter off.

A peanut butter phil is really enjoyable for both sexual partners; it feel great for the receiver and tastes great for the giver.

by Schoolyard Tag Champion January 24, 2013

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Phil Moment

When something unbelievably unfortunate happens to someone, whether it's their fault or not, and it feels like the universe is kicking them while they're down.

"Man, can't believe my wife left me."
"Ah, what a Phil moment"

by pouritup July 4, 2022

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phils eyelash

Phils Eyelash is a very well know group chat that was originally created on Instagram. It consists of 7 remaining people but originally had many more. This group chat is funny, relatable and cringe at times.

Fred: β€œWho are your favourite group of people?”
Chad: β€œDefinitely the phils eyelash group chat, they are so funny!”

by jazzydannyy April 20, 2018

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