A person of Maori Decent who does not confine to traditional Maori stereotypes and social norms .Eg not liking seafood or boil up
aye bro stop being a plastic maori
A synthetic synthetic so you're a substitute synthetic so if I call you substitute plastic that means you're less than fake that means you're a substitute fake product valueless always above your pay grade
Man these people are beyond counterfeit they are substitute plastic they are less than fake they are a synthetic synthetic valueless crazy
Like the term "Wonder 9" but in reference to polymer framed, striker fired pistols.
I prefer a steel framed handgun with a nice trigger like the 1911. Not those plastic fantastics like the Glock and M&P.
"Fake power" as in people who control others through the use of technology such as advertising, and propaganda. Usually politicians use this to control mainstream media to implement false/wrong ideas before they are elected into office. "Real power" does not exist as everyone in todays world does not care enough to give a damn.
First used in Goriilaz' "Rhinestone Eyes" music video
"Companies use plastic power to persuade you to buy their products by making a commercial and making you feel like you need their product"
You know that thing you get with pizza.
Its use is to eat your B O N E L E S S P I Z Z A on.
Your probably gonna say im wrong but then were would you EAT.
Guy 1: I got sum B O N E L E S S P I Z Z A u want sum
Guy 2:yiss
Guy 1: alright shrink yourself to eat on the tiny plastic lawn table.
Guy 2: om nom nom
Guy 1: om nom nom
The same meaning as "putting the pedal to the metal" but for Drone Racing
Dude he really pushed the stick to the plastic...
Term first found in the lyrics for SR-71s song 'Right Now'. Nobody really knows what it means, but Todd in the Shadows estimated it might stand for a fake, slutty girlfriend.
'She clings to me like cellophane, fake plastic submarine, slowly driving me insane but now that's over'