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ratchet vag

A vagina that you can loosen or tighten to fit extra comfortable. Get clicking that ratchet lol

Hey lady get that ratchet vagina open and ready for me to adjust!

by Big Feller69 January 24, 2018

slick ratchets

N. A female who uses deception to slyly avoid you seeing any images of her while slipping her way into your text messages or DMS(twitter) to start a conversation with you.

This usually results in you finding out she is ratchet as all fuck by her either sending a picture, snapchat, or using facetime to contact you.

Situations with these people can be humorous to others so they are often screenshotted and posted on twitter for others to enjoy.

Dale: "yo this gurl bout to send me a pic wanna see if she sexy"

Blake: "hell yea nigga"

Dale: "damn she's ratchet as fuck look at this"

Blake: "slick ratchets these days slidin in the dms like its nothing!!!"

by drizzleogm300 October 14, 2014

ratchet crew

A name that some lame ass made. It is a crew with high intelligence, put up with no mess, and high expectations. A guy who has very low self esteem must have mad this made this up.

Bill: look at that ratchet crew over there.
Timmy: you lame for that man

by Ratchet crew January 10, 2018

Ratchet Trap

A guy that always dates ratchets.

Jeff is always going on ratchet rescues and ends up dating these skanks, he's becoming a ratchet trap.

by DaCoolestBishhh June 2, 2019

ratchet dude

Dude all wound up in all types of things especially hanging out with females especially hose

That dude is for real a Ratchet dude look he's with another one now.

by Ratchet dude August 19, 2017

Rigidy ratchet

The definition of rigidity ratchet is that she took up all of the clothes in the f****** house and f****** still had a bunch of period blood in the toilet.

The girl was rigidy ratchet but I still took her home to take her on top of my other girlfriend.

by Nohandle@weather May 25, 2021

ratchet slayer

One who slayeth the Ratchet female type.

Bro 1: Yo bro whose your buddy that takes down all the beezys in the club?

Bro 2: That's Cory, they call him the Ratchet Slayer. His tool box is always full of ratchets.

by byBeardofZeus June 27, 2014