Small blonde girl who shits in conch shells. She looks like a conch shitter.
Shitter slam or toilet slam is a term that refers to toilet action usually involving one or more individuals, in which all of the "victims" inside said toilet (or rarely a bath) are pissing, shitting and vomiting simultaneously
pesron A: Hey Greg wtf happened to you? You look like a victim of plague or something
person B: Oh really? i haven't noticed. I simply had no time as i was having the wildest shitter slam in the morning
person A: Oh boy...
When someone is being stupidly retarded in the most retarded faggot way, you call them a BallSack Shitter and, To return to the LGBTQ Community like the Fat Idiot they are!!!!
Stop being a Ballsack Shitter you fag.
When someone can't control their bowls when they orgasims... They shit at the same time as they climax .
That Babcock , he's a real sex shitter.
Look at that little sex shitter go
bro flex is a literal shitter ong. nigga faked cancer yikes💀 he gets no bitches
a word ashovrr (me lol) and their friend made
basically meaning someone shitted in her/his brain
friend 1: dude he made a chair explode
yes thats a skull shitter,full of shit
discord: ashovrr#8264