a place to see the firey depths of hell and become satans minion.......
ANNNNNNNNND make enemies and to make friends that you will never see again when you leave school.
Person 1: Ugh, school!
Person 2: I know right, It's fucking hell
hell on earth, completely useless, fun sucker
time to go to hell on earth... whoops, meant school
A prison where poor, innocent, children go to "learn". Many teachers think they have the power to control students behaviour, but in reality, they can't. The students are prisoners. There behaviour makes sense. It's the reason you'll block out the first 18 years of your life.
Person 1: remember that prison called school?
Person 2: yeah worst prison ever.
The place where all types of demons exist from annoying students whose whole purpose of existing is to piss you off to damn retarded ass sexist teachers. You go to school for 6 hours to learn boring history, damn poetry and algebra which you don’t use. You also gotta survive the stupid teachers which only constantly look and check on you every 2 minutes. Then when you late for your damn class for 1 minute cos your previous class was all the way across the other side of the school the teacher goes rage mode and scolds you talking shit about 5 minutes. However it’s not over yet when you forgot to bring some shit the teacher always scolds you while your friend sitting in the damn corner playing his damn iPad doesn’t get the bullshit. Oohhh noooo i’m not done yet, after having to deal with all this shit you still got those stupid ass students which constantly roast and tease you to the max with his friends, the year sevens who boss you around in football and the damn pieces of shit which won’t let you talk cos if you do you gonna get teased or roasted. Just when you feel that life is pointless and suicide is the solution, the new transfer students comes in outa knowhere and before you know it he becomes yo best friend with all the properties of one and is the only thing keeping you from leaving the school.
A place that ruins your life by your grades and what teachers say about you at parent teacher conferences which result in your bed room door being taken away for not going to tutoring