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Semen Sam

An autistic kid who likes to browse the urban dictionary. Hes shit at golf and has a hot sister named amelia. He makes weird noises too

Bro Semen Sam is sus and i think he lives in sussex

by The Oxford Dictionary 0fficial May 30, 2024

hot man semen

tastes soooooo good mmmm yummy its so hot and white and sticky

gimmie your hot man semen

by hot man with hotter semen March 31, 2022

dream semen

The product of air master bation.

Davon air master bated at me yesterday. Got his dream semen all over my new glasses.

-Facts about Dream Semen-

Dream semen shows up on black lights as an electric orange color.

I'm red light. Dream semen turns into Robin Williams and grants you 3 wishes.

Three squirts of dream semen levels up Mario for an entire game board.

Dream semen boils at the same temperature that water freezes.

Dteam semen pairs well with dry whites and moist reds

Dream semen is what all of the lost boys were flinging at each other during the dinner scene in the movie hook. It is the most accurate visual documented in human history.

Dream semen does not get women pregnant; It just makes them fat.

by Duchess Valentine March 31, 2017


Once a month a man will ejaculate all over himself as his genitils excrete all of last month’s semen. After he has cum all over himself he will start to produce new semen for the month.


Bro, I started semenatng yesterday and my balls feel amazing!

by EMVAT2113 May 27, 2024

On semen

A slang term used to describe anything and everything. It is typically used as a validation for any actions.

Miguel: Holy shit bro, that movie was insane, on semen!
Jaqueese: For real bro!

by Superior Inferior Bad Boys April 30, 2022

Supersoaker Semen Shot

When you fill your supersoaker with cum

NO WAY YOU JUST HIT THAT Supersoaker Semen Shot

by YTSizzleStreams April 20, 2020

semen oyster

A semen oyster is a disgusting lolcow who just sits in his room and masturbates all day. He doesn't move like an oyster and there is semen all over his room, hence the name semen oyster. He can be milked for his lolcow pearls and is more often than not a tranny.

All that pedophile does is masturbate in his room all day! He's a fucking disgusting semen oyster!

by Hunter Biden January 23, 2024