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Shag cunt

A vagina that has housed so many dicks is is lose and looks like a shag carpet. Basically calling them a whore

Wow Chris you fucked Peyton? You're a shag cunt

by OxfordSixtyNiner January 28, 2017

Shag your left toe

The phrase "shag your left toe" originates from modern day england. This phrase is normally used by fuckwits who think they can stick their dick in the most irrelevant parts of your body.

This Phrase has no meening, as it is just and irrelvant comment.

"Oi, shut up, or i'll give you a cheeky headbutt and i'll shag your left toe"

by ICantTellYouWordsAndShiz December 17, 2019

Outlet Shag

An individual who is otherwise extremely physically attractive although may have one or a few minor eccentricities, such as boz-eyes or a slight lisp. Therefore, it is likely that they could be somewhat humbler than their "equilateral" counterparts, as they have probably only just attained their sexual prime later on in life, and as a result are less bitchy or temperamental. The lessened emotional strain is sort of like a discount or an outlet price, only with one's sexuality instead of something like a merino wool sweater.

Cameron Dante's Inferno:Wow, X from finance is so hot. Xe has a bit of a wonky eye that always spins 270 degrees when they sneeze, but that's okay because xe is so fine.

Margaret Chow: A bit out an outlet shag am I right?

by Shona Willie November 27, 2017

Red Shag Band

Red is a lapdance. (:

"Snapping the Red Shag Band is a rainbow kiss"
"Eh naw pal, It's a lapdance"
"Oh okay then. "

by Pinky.(: November 30, 2009

lemme shag

to let someone hit or let someone smash.

HIM: lemme shag

HER: what does that mean?

HIM: lemme hit.
HER: absolutely not! (blocked)

by kdotgzz May 26, 2024

Summer Shag

Long hair from not getting a haircut during summer break.

Looks like everyone got a haircut over fall break. They got rid of their summer shag.

by AtomBoiler October 13, 2011

shag shake

when you do a handshake with shagun

yo shagun, give me a shag shake

by hoya2060 February 25, 2022