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Jack bastard

A popular military term to describe a serviceman/woman who is selfish and inconsiderate, whom puts him/herself before others. In short, a person who acts alone and not as a team player.

"Oh I see you've made yourself a cup of coffee, but didn't ask us, you jack bastard "

Alternatively "So you tidied up your own work area for the inspection, but didn't do the rest of the teams who were out in the field? Now they are confined to camp, you jack bastard"

by Stagg-on July 11, 2017

11👍 4👎

italian bastard

something you call your bro who's italian

Hey look! It's the Italian Bastard!!!!!

by ilovetheitalianbastard February 18, 2017

Sweaty bastard

Someone that tries that little bit too hard

'I can't get a seat in the library today'
'Yeah mate it's all the sweaty bastards taking the seats'

by The Noel Man November 15, 2017

bastard fetus

A baby who is conceived to un-married parents.

Yo, I can't believe you knocked up yo girlfriend with a bastard fetus, and won't even consider marrying her!

by Sargasm Knockers October 17, 2017

Bastard Brain

This illness takes over the brains of gamers and reduces them into absolute bastards.

Gamer 1:"Mike has been feeding and flaming his adc non stop.
Gamer 2:"He has been playing league of legends for way too long and his brain has devolved into the one a bastard brain would have."

by IIm not gay kay? May 9, 2020

bastard shit

A shit that refuses to move either out or in, nor can it be pinched off. leaving you in limbo at the point of production.

Help, help, I'm stuck on the toilet. I'm suffering with bastard shit.

by dadofreggie September 3, 2015

grimey bastards

A dirty or messed up, the do you wrong type of guy, the idc about any girl, just a Mr.WasteMyTime

Damn, fuck those grimey bastards, they really fucked us over

by Josborne2:12 March 11, 2018