"That guy is so sexy, I think I have might have a bean boner"
to have sex. inreference to "porking", "the beans" is a word that can be used to describe biddies
(if you know a guy that is going to have sex tonight)
Are you porking the beans tonight?
looks like a jalapeño but it's really just a spicy bean
that isn;t a jalapeño, it's a spicy bean
Used to describe somebody who is very based, good, or just super epic in general.
I’m a good bean
A series made by mangird1 on youtube its follows 4 beans and they do goofy ah and nothing much prrtty much fuckall random shit happens
Grandpa:I watched beans the series yesterday
Dad:take your pills
(An expression)Just a more interesting way to say "weird", "odd", and so on...
Mo:"Dude, my grandma puts jello in her tacos..."
Lester:"Weird beans."
Oral stimulation of the clitoris.
The girls discovered bean worship during their sleepover.
Carol loves oral so she makes Roger do a little bean worship every night.