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yellow journalism

Lies and/or propaganda which are passed off as legitimate journalism, though they favor one political party or viewpoint.

The NNN (Nazi News Network-another term for the Fox News Channel) believes that Michael Moore's work is yellow journalism.

by GuidoPosse69 February 22, 2005

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Yellow Jacket

Two day aged sex brusies on arms, neck and/or upper torso

OMG, what happened to your arms?! It's my yellow jacket, to be worn like a badge of honor! Tom came over and he is a biter

by SG0303 June 9, 2011

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yellow brick

Like in Wizard of Oz the yellow brick road leads to Emerald City (perfect high)

When smoking weed being on the yellow brick road or yellow bricking is when you are not completely high yet but starting to feel your first couple hits

"Bro I'm yellow bricking pass the blunt"

"Dude I'm on the Yellow Brick Road right now, pass that shit"

by Reamville August 29, 2019

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Yellow hole

It’s also known as a minion butthole or banana anus

Yo look it’s a yellow hole

by Cheeto bot 123 December 7, 2019

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Yellow L

A catchy and incredibly swaggerish to say lol it will make more sense once said aloud for yellow l looks very funny written down. However, aviod overuse for it can be easily seen as a "valley girl" thing to say

Person one: "Heyy did you see that commercial for UPSEXY??"
Person two: "Whats up sexy?
Person one: "Yellow L :D"

by yellowl November 27, 2011

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Yellow Blogging

A blog or blogger that sports a flamboyant and irresponsible approach to blogging with shrieking, gaudy, sensation-loving, devil-may-care kinds of content; content that take an iota of truth and embelishes it into such an oblivious state that it becomes nothing more than total fiction. If the information blogged about is inaccurate or biased, the public has little means for verification. With this sort of influence, some wield much self-perceived power. In order to increase whatever it is some wish to increase, these "Yellow Bloggers" turn the high drama of life into a cheap melodrama, writing stories that have been twisted into forms best suited for sales by the hollering newsboy of a cyber-version tabloid.

Yellow Blogging is like the National Enquirer, or your average supermarket tabloid, blog version

by GracefullyGrowing February 15, 2008

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Yellow team

The WORST fucking team in fall guys

Guy 1. Shit, we’re on yellow team
Guy 2. Yeah bro, yellow team sucks ass
Guy3. Ngl, no one except us is trying

by Commandblocks68 September 11, 2020

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