When you kiss someone and you get such a strong feeling of love, care and being safe that it feels like thunder is crashing all around you.
Like falling into a black hole knowing that there must be a bottom but not caring.
"Did you feel that? It's like thunder crashing around us."
The exhaust from a good pounding that vibrates the testicles so hard I can be fell for miles like a california earthquake
Chad's testicles were almost blown off over after the massive thunder queef nut shaker that came from lindsey's spasm chasm.
When a girl queefs while getting fucked.
That bitch I fucked last night had a thunder cunt.
A rich female authoritarian despot who lives like royalty, has a grating voice, complains, wags her fat little finger at her “subjects”, and enjoys destroying state economies.
I can’t stand watching the weekly briefings from the governor of New Mexico because she is a Thunder Cunt.
when two people have an argument over something and they get pissed and fight . First their actions appear and then their voice
Alicia : (A)
Brad : Now you think you're such an angel ?
Alicia : WTF ? You think am not ?
Brad : Hey come on now dont start a thunder war ... am just jocking with you
in reference to the fiber supplement Metamucil that is sold as powdered drink mixes, capsules and wafers in a variety of flavors. Metamucil contains psyllium seed husks as the active ingredient. It is manufactured in Phoenix, Arizona, by Procter & Gamble.1 When first marketed to consumers in 1974, Metamucil was marketed as a laxative. The advertising slogan at that time was "If not nature, then Metamucil". Procter & Gamble sought to make Metamucil a household name by advertising in magazines and on television, using the claim "All fiber is not created equal".2 The target group was older people who are more likely to suffer from constipation.
I've been constipated for a week, I need to get back on that orange thunder