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Tony Capo

Psedonym for the real Tony Capo, a Black Hat Hacker from TonyCapo.net, specializing in Cyber Warfare. Tony Capo is synonymous with aggressive, and highly effective cyber warfare specialist.

Don't make me Tony Capo your ass.

by DVIUS December 24, 2021

1👍 1👎

Tony Gen

Tony Gen ; if something is ‘Tony Gen’ then whatever the statement in question, it is of the upmost truth and 100% confirmed to be true and legitimate.

the uk is going into lockdown tomorrow mate, Tony Gen”

by sastony March 19, 2020

Tony Stark

Tony Stark is genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist. He will love you 3000!

-Who is the hottest man in MCU?
- Tony Stark for sure

by noobmasterr69 February 5, 2021

Tony Stark

The mcu's most superior character. Case is closed.

Someone: who do you think is the mcu's-
Me: Tony Stark. Tony Stark owns the mcu.

by goldustgirl September 8, 2019

Tony Stark

(TO - NEE - STAH - RK)

"It is to produce a stream of semen that looks like Iron mans plasma beams"

This word orginates from the depths of Valhalla and is made by 'Sir Blackknees'

Tony:"Do you know how to Tony Stark"
Bucky:" Hell ye I do bbg"
Bucky *continues to Tony stark all over Tony*

by Niggafuckingsomenuts February 4, 2022

lil tony

lil tony is a tall black muscular rapper who smokes weed with his nigga's bitches and has a gay ass brother named lil toni

guy 1: you heard what lil tony did with yo bitch
guy 2: nah nigga what did he do
guy 1: he fucked her good and then smoked some weed with her
guy 2: well there's nothing i can do

guy 1: true

guy 3: you know lil tony's bro is gay right
guy 1 and 2: my nigga it's 2018 what's wrong with you

by big black bus June 6, 2018

Nuke Tony

The act of cooking any Italian food in a microwave.

Person 1: "Hey, bro, watcha gonna do this weekend?"

Person 2: "Probably beat my meat and Nuke Tony."

Person 1: "Are you crazy?! What did Tony ever do to you?!"

Person 2: "No, man. It means I'm going to make Italian food in my microwave."

by Ard-Cheannard April 27, 2019