When a person blows their nose so hard that it sounds like
Dizzy Gillespie getting warmed up before his next set. Usually caused when one nasal passage is held closed with a tissue while the other is left slightly open. Sometimes sounds like a loud fart which often confuses innocent bystanders as they expect to smell the familiar scent of ass but are left feeling disappointed due to a lack of closure. Multiple blasts of the horn may be heard repeatedly, especially if one has a cold or allergies or has built up a lot of congestion. Just as a cellist utilizes their bow, a nose trumpeter uses his tissue paper to craft subtle harmonics and vibratos which perfectly accompany the sounds of nasal fluid blasting out of his nose holes at 100 miles per hour.
Every office job usually has at least one of these talented horn players, and late in the day when the office is quiet you can often hear their stunning performances echoing across the cube farm. Note that nose trumpeting is a finely honed skill, so when you're just starting to play you may only be able to play a single, very loud pitch. This is expected, but with consistent practice, you'll be covering your favorite jazz standards in no time.
Looks like Bill's playing his nose trumpet for the entire office again.
1. Saying something stupid very loudly to many people.
2. Trump speaking publicly.
3. Angrily stating something as fact without actual facts.
I had to mute him because he wouldn't stop trumpeting.
v. The act of a Trump supporter going on the internet and gloating.
Tom was Trumpeting all the time on social media so I smoked his ass off my friends list.
The act of promoting pro trump propaganda in places that it does not belong to the exasperation of others.
Trumpeter in game chat: Honestly there is so much proof that Biden actually lost the elect-
The act of vocalizing refusal of facts and/or science.
Quit your trumpeting, we have a real President! Synonymous with: whining; complaining; narcissism; psychosis; etc
Set of marketing measures that helped Donald Trump to become US president
- Look, what a funny meme about Trump!
- You are exposed to trumpeting, bro
A really loud trumpet usually found in a marching band setting having competitions seeing who can play louder and higher.
Man those mega trumpets are really loud today.
Listen to those mega trumpets have their competitions on who can hit the double G first.