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what type of chiken is that


what type of chiken is that

by what type of chiken is that October 14, 2021

picuetano type beat

committing suicide

-1 like and i'll do a picuetano type beat
*likes its own tweet and proceeds to kill himself*

by Gromaffio Cheese July 16, 2021

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type 1 fun

Type 1 fun is just plain fun. Simple, uncomplicated fun. It differs from 'fun' because it implies that there was a possibility for type 2 fun or even type 3 fun to have occurred instead.

a: "So, how was your boss's BBQ?"
b: "Oh, everyone got plastered and played twister. Proper type 1 fun."
a: "See, told you it would be fine."

by jonp March 5, 2014

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Type 3 Algorithm

Cryptographic algorithm that has been registered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and has been published as a Federal Information Processing Standard for use in protecting unclassified sensitive information or commercial information. NTIA

The US Government uses the type 3.

by IrishRepublicanArmy January 24, 2004

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Simp Type Energy

When you so much of a simp that others become a simp when you are around them

Josh - did you see what Tim did?
Nigel - no?
Josh - he use his simp type energy on Ryan

by Biggpapa3000 January 17, 2020

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malasia typing disease

Malasia typing disease also known ass MTD is when you make many mistakes when trying yo type on your messager or anything in generalπŸ˜‚

Nigga can you re type dat text I can't understand yo damn typeing you got Malasia typing disease

by @blu3.m😌 March 9, 2015

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Long time no type

A cliche

After seeing his friend on AIM for the first time in months, Harry IM'ed him "Long time no type."

by icwish August 1, 2010

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