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wack is a word that sophie loves to say. She’s really obsessed with that word and can’t stop saying it.

Wackthats what she says when she doesn’t know what to say/reply.

by sophionese March 19, 2021



The person who’s name is Kenzie is wack

by March 23, 2022


Put in without much accuracy

Wack in some salt to the avocado dish, for taste.

by Fruitarianism September 10, 2018


an adjective used to describe something that is weird, unbelievable, out of the ordinary

"His hair? WACK. His shoes? WACK. The way he doesn't even like to smile? WACK."

by billybattleaxe August 22, 2019


his hair, his gear, his jewelry, his foot stance, the way he talks, and he way he doesn’t even like to smile
But you? Tight as F R I C K

-thats wack

by OneMoodyBoi July 13, 2019


Wack should be used for things that are gross.

Hey this tastes wack.

by Ogaloeveraplant March 10, 2022


a really cool ass person who just is generally cool

yoooooo dude, she can hang with us right, honestly so wack”

by user15000 March 1, 2019