Originally a song by “Cage the Elephant”, the phrase is used to describe the lives of people in severe poverty either engaging in illicit activity like prostitution, robbery, or theft out of necessity to survive. Reasons include bills to pay, mouths to feed, and the fact that nothing in this world is for free. They’re not generally heartless bastards, but money makes you do things you shouldn’t be doing.
Person 1: I heard that a bunch of guys robbed an ACE Hardware store the other day
Person 2 : times must’ve been tough. Ain’t no rest for the wicked.
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Origins: Boston
the ultimate adjective for New Englanders
means extremely awesome
note: anyone outside of new england that says any of these other than sick will sound like an idiot. So i suggest not doing that.
Your shirt is wicked sick nasty!
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An euphemism for the scenario where a woman is leveraging her superior position to have sex with a man, to the point where said man goes limp.
Student1: Where's the new guy? I haven't seen him in 2 days.
Student2: Laura is having her wicked way with him.
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A phrase to describe something way beyond cool and awesome. It's slightly mischievous while also should only be used to describe stylishly fabulous people!
Did you see that hot chic's dance moves? It was wicked fresh yo!
To get ‘‘john wicked’’ or ‘‘john wicking someone’’ means having your dog shot at or shooting someone’s dog.
Based on the John Wick saga, where the whole story starts because someone killed his beloved dog.
@Victoriayavnyi on YT : I feel safe working out at night thanks to my big dog.
Some bitter men in the comments: A gun would end him. I pray for you to get John Wicked.
Person 1: My dog is my best protector.
Person 2: Until I John Wick you.
Taylor: i asked mobley is he abuse the wicked stick
Annette: what did he say?
Taylor: no
Annette: what a liar.
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