A man whith an abnormal addiction to rockstar and energy drinks and has a very squeaky voice. Also allergic to most things including grass
Hey Akhmatova want to get a rockstar
Nah man don’t want to be a Harper Roberts
A Badass scientist who fights vampires with his cute dog. He found a cure to a virus that killed almost every human. He also commited suicide in a very badass way with a grenade while being cornered by vampires.
That dude looks cool, he reminds me of Robert Neville
The weirdest dumbass person in the whole damn world.
Don't be such a Robert Sarno.
A R.C. can be described as several things.
A true definition of a man. A provider, supporter, best friend, husband. He will just show up one day in your life, tell you his cock will change your life forever, than change your life, then become your life. And just to be clear, his cock will change your life forever!!
A hot man with a dream to be a pilot
Look at that Robert Gilvarry.
Big funny guy. Always saving his money and will never let it go. He will never let you be his best friend because that will always be his dog. He can. never keep anything to himself and will spread it around as fast as he can. But watch out if he is your friend he is also your moms friend to. He will always be in his house and will most likely be in his bed. He will probably be asleep by 8 but thats alright.
Do you know who that big sexy guy is
Yea thats Brady Roberts