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Woke person

A thing that doesn't deserve life or to be defined by any means which is something I am defiling to bring you this definition.

-I just saw a woke person. It was disgusting.
-Damn, did it have the little autistic badge and retarded stripey socks?


by Diccshonawry October 5, 2023

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Woke hobo

An individual who chooses live a subsistence lifestyle and eco warrior philosophy while stepping into the carbon foot prints of others.

Jason is such a woke hobo he only takes natural fiber items from the free store.

Sunbeam went on forever about the evils of oil companies before she asked me for all my plastic recycling to repair her tar paper shack.

by HeathIam November 5, 2019

romantically woke

When one person is in tune to their significant other's romantic needs, wants and desires.

Jenny is romantically woke when it comes to her relationship with Bradley.

by Mr. Leonard Finamore April 6, 2017


Waking up in a retarded way

Faris is Wokeing a little too much today

by LaziestAlien March 30, 2024

Woke Slaps

Dat nigga

Friend: Who is β€œwoke slaps”

Me:Dat nigga

by Wokeslaps July 11, 2019


Dat nigga

Friend: Who is β€œWoke Slaps”
Me: Dat nigga

by Wokeslaps July 11, 2019

Woke mind virus Noah hooser

The woke mind virus has infected us all.I need help.Noah hooser is touching me.

Noah is infected with the Woke mind virus Noah hooser. He won’t stop touching me.

by Cumlover42069 February 19, 2024