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No. I'm not. You're shit YouTube trash. And the parents are going to get your name on a list as an explanation as to why little Susie is roasting in hell forever.

Hym "You're just saying I'm wrong. 'You're smart.' 'You deserve to live.' You see how I can just say that and WE BOTH KNOW that you are not smart. We both know you don't deserve to live. Dumb as dogshit. How many lives has you cost doing this to me trying to stop me? At least 1. I know for a fact that there is at least 1 person sitting there 'Jesus Christ just give him the fucking money I don't want a kid to die.' And that FACT renders anything you have to say about it MEANINGLESS. That is what you don't seem to understand with you stupid ass. As long as there is even a single person is on my side IN EITHER DIRECTION (meaning for or against child murder)... What YOU are doing to ME will only ever harm people other than me. Where are the whistle blowers? One of them is dead. So no. You are wrong. And a retard. Why would I listen to you?"

by Hym Iam December 31, 2025


What I did... Is helping though people. What YOU are doing only harms me. You are not helping more deserving people... You are harming me in the hopes that, what, you can steal credit for helping the people that my action helped in such a way that you feel like YOU caused society to gain rather than lose? You know that's delusional, right? You are creating the danger for someone else's kid. You want type-X of person to not be able to suceed so you are forcing me to labor for the rest of my life and somehow you aren't a moral monster? Stop trying to be the decider or I am going to murder a child. I don't have to let you steal this from me and I'm not going to.

Hym "Wrong. You... Do not need to steal this from me. I don't have to let you. I don't care if you think your morality makes you think you are the goodest boy on the planet the net result will be the death of a child. If you used my work YOU did not help anyone. You COULDN'T help anyone because you are LESS. And if for you to help the people you want to help requires you to enslave people, control them psychologically, and erase them from history you are clearly not as moral as you think you are. Kids are going to die. That is reality. But you are not going to steal this from me WITHOUT at least one kid dying. You are a delusional fuck. That is all that is happening here. You are worse than I am."

by Hym Iam December 3, 2024


Well... I would but... then I would be LYING

Hym "Did anybody else see that one time Joe Rogan was talking about something bad happening to his kids and he kind of trails off and stares off into the distance for several seconds? THAT is what praying that God isn't real looks like. Tell me I'm wrong."

by Hym Iam April 6, 2023


Not me that's for goddamn sure.

Hym "I know what I fucking said. What does you reminding me do? Aside from enraging and further eroding my already limited empathy. You're not even reminding me. I remember. I remember everything. I was there. You were not there. You were fucking ignoring me. So, how does that work? I know I'm not wrong. How are you going to use my MEMORY against me as though you weren't actively ignoring me when I was saying it in the first place? See what I did there? Get it? Because I was watching the show that referenced how I described that one gay so now I'm referencing the guy they referenced me for referencing. Remember? Remember the thing the guy I'm referencing said? From that one video where he said the word I emphasized? Get it? Did you get the joke? You see how I alluded to who I was talking about using privileged information I got from a different video that I'm omitting from the reference? Huh? Is it irritating how incessant I'm being about this? Is that what this is about? You're mad that you did a thing and now you're going to monetize my shit? Is this my punishment? Is that it? Did you get the reference? Do you watch the show too? Did you see them reference me? No? Well, clearly I'm just a fucking schizophrenic. I'm imagining things and I should be ignored. Tell your friends to keep an eye on me so if I do something crazy they can record it and post it to the internet."

by Hym Iam June 2, 2022


Not right

Hym "I feel like that last one was wrong... Too crude... I don't think I framed that properly. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that you are creating the 0 sum game that you don't want people to play. And then when someone (INEVITABLY) plays you throw your hands in the air in shock and say 'Oh no! WhAt CoUlD hAvE eVeR cAuSeD tHiS tO hApPeN!?'. I mean I'm repeating myself at this point. And part of the problem is the arbitrary non-association out of spite or malice."

Iam "And MY question remains unanswered. Am I the good one or am I the bad one?"

Hym "Well, that depends on whether or not you resign yourself to a life of serfdom and fade into obscurity. Like Gods punishment in 'Supernatural' after he loses to the Winchesters."

by Hym Iam April 26, 2022


There is so much to unpack here and I'm tired so you'll have to wait untiiiiiiiillll... Like 4:30am cst?

Hym "Ok. The is a lot there pick at but I wasted all morning eating steak and playing Ps4. So! I'm going to take a nap, hang out with muh pal for a bit, and come back in the morning and, like the mighty content vulture that I am, I'm going to pick apart that new JeepJorp video, come back here, and regurgitate all of the things I found wrong! with it into your little baby vulture faces. (That was a big sentence I know and not grammatically correct at all but I did it on purpose because doing things ironically justifies everything and anything) I have some thoughts about the conflation between 'black culture' and 'pre-selection' or 'social proof' (as they call it). I'm going to deconstruct the concept of being 'a plausible mate.' And then I have one about how all of their solutions are so amorphous and open ended that they are impossible to implement. And finally, I have something for quote-unquote 'model minorities' and 'asian cultures as a model for emulation.' It's going to be good. It's going to be cool. But I'm sleepy. I also have a ton of backlog to clear and I might try to offload some of that onto you guys."

by Hym Iam April 20, 2023


Being Gay

Person 1:That guys gay

Person2:That’s just wrong

by Heishebdb October 25, 2020