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A great guy who is cute, athletic, and sweet. He has amazing hair, eyes and is tall. He is very popular and almost a boy version of a heathr. He will always listen to your problems but sometimes needs encouragment to open up about his own. but be warned he will be a player without trying but if he really cares about you he will look out for you and if

you care about him hold on to him so no other girl can steal him. A jack is a perfect guy.

girl 1: There goes jack playing basketball
girl 2: Remember when every girl liked him
girl 1: what do you mean liked him... They still do...

by youbrokemefirst February 10, 2021

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Your butt, booty, rear end, ass

I got the jack right?

by RealDefintions August 23, 2019

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jack is very gay he likes to take it up the ass only some times tho he has a celebrity crush on Kevin off shameless he wants to take it up the ass from him he has a boyfriend at school his oscar.k

Nah jokes whoever has a boyfriend named jack is very lucky haha lol I have a boyfriend named jack

u are very jack

by TWOFACEBABY May 5, 2020

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A word used to describe the act of masturbating. Saying you are "visiting Jack" implies to others (who know what it means) that you are on your way to masturbate. However, the term "visiting Jack" isn't the only term that can be used to describe the act of masturbating, you can also say "I'm having a drink with Jack", or "I had a long convo with Jack", etc. Just make it sound as if Jack is a person, but be very vague about it. Get creative with what you say.

"Hey bro, how have you been?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just on my way to meet Jack"
"Oh... I get you. Have fun, bro!"

by PoopSexBalls May 13, 2020

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Jack is the type of guy that will fuck you over and will cheat on you with a butterdket. Don't trust him, he is horny as hell and will hump anything that moves. Don't let him into it life u will regret it. He cares to much about your boobs and butt and won't treat you right.

"That guy is such a Jack, he cheated on me with that buttersket."

by PurpleBitch676 July 27, 2018

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he can shoot his cum from over a quarter mile

he can also shit up to 4 foot turds UwU

andrew: holy shit look how far he came
jack: its hot, right?? ;) wanna see me shit?

by Jack & Aiden November 18, 2019

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He loves the girl called gypsy, he is a tall young boy

Jack is Gypsys boyfriend

by True1477 November 26, 2018

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