the oscar isaac stans. They are absolute icons. the power they have is unmatched. they can make up whole backstories for characters or get things trending. they're always screaming on the tl about how good the man looks. the debate if Nathan Bateman is hot is still ongoing in oscar nation.
'oscar nation once canceled a streaming service and got #primevideoiscanceled trending!'
A group of 21+ year olds that couldn’t get hired at the local café so they resort to arguing with 16 year olds online
Dua Nation was ended by Lipa Gang
twice and red velvet
ed: omg i stan nation ggs
lou: a onceluv? inteluctual
The biggest nation with of the coolest of the cools the ones with the juuls .originally found from Ethan coin from H3H3 #GoGreen
Damn homey you must be ripping some fat ass clouds you must be part of the Vape nation
Anunnaki Nationalism, also Anunna Nationalism, Anunno-Nationalism, Anunnonationalism and Anunationalism, is an ideological concept which consists of advocating an Anunnaki state or a nation based on Anunnakism and the defense of Anunnakism for cultural, identity and civilizational purposes. Anunnaki nationalism is used to refer to the idea of several Anunnaki-related people into the creation of Anunnaki states and countries all over the world, such as the example of Anunnaki Republic of Iceland, Anunnaki Republic of Brazil and the famous example of Anunnakiya, despite the term Anunnaki nationalism is majoritary used to refer to Anunnakiya, but when it’s about Anunnakiya it’s often used to say Anunnakian nationalism since Anunnakian is specifically related to Anunnakiya as well. Anunnaki Nationalism can also be used to refer to nationalist feelings and thoughts for An’s Heaven and for Anunna Empire as well.
“Anunnaki Nationalism is really common between anunnakists, zuists and Sumerian neopagans, and that’s nice to see that probably in less than 10 years we are going to have Anunnaki nationalism as a notorious political force in worldwide politics.”
The act of clapping anyone and anything
Bro Melissa wanted me to come thru tonight!
Awww man go for it, Clap nation!
a sword clan on ROBLOX full of butthurt kids who AA if they are losing a defense. they are not professional sword fighters, the only thing they are good at is sword glitching, which is for people who can’t sf. all the HRs are very autistic and cant host a training correctly
Tay: hi im a HR in Skill Nation and i sent nudes to get HR
me : thot