A lovely cat with a brilliant personality, a great sense of humor and despite the rumours, a perfect size. Would have loved to have gotten to know it better.
Joel's lovely cat is in a better place.
A lovely cat who despite rumours was a beautiful size and has a great sense of humor. A cat which we are devastated to lose but appreciate it is in a better place. Sending love and condolences.
Joel's lovely cat will never be forgotten. Meow
people of this origin are known to be jolly and full of delight they tend to do miraculous things to the people they surround themselves with. They tend to bring great joy everywhere they go
That man with the converse's on is a Jolly Joel he makes everyone happy when they are in his presence
When you should stop playing FUT because you have lost a few games but you carry on and ruin the elite dream
I was 10 form 12 butended up doing a joel and lost 6 on the bounce and killed my record
joeleth Kennieth
morning squire
morning Joeleth Kennieth
It is the definition of a Jewish son named by his father who takes after them by inheriting their big THICC long nose in which they have a big Jewish destroyer too. ;)
Son of Big Nose John
Ex. Hey Big Nose Joel!
Some Asian Kid - YOUR MOM!
Big Nose Joel: I bet i have a bigger Jewish nose than yours! Asian Boy!
A very odd person with terrible sense of fashion. This person may be book smart but has no common sense what so ever. He can be extremely annoying at times and very much hypocritical. This person often seeks other people’s approval and cares about their opinion. They also have a fear of missing out at all times. They also like to think they are funny but they are more bland than a flavorless rice cake. Overall if a Joel papachan John steps into your life run the other way and don’t hesitate!!!
Quick run that’s Joel papachan john!!!
That’s something Joel papachan John would do HAHA!