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The overall essence of being a nigra. When they come out the womb, they inherit their Nigganess.

Jack- Wtf is up with Jamal? I asked if he had any grape soda, and he got all pissed at me.
Leeroy- oh dont worry, thats just his Nigganess. He cant help it.

by mr. poposkin December 2, 2009

6๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


The negativity of a the word is now below the Positive side of it. I dont know about ya'll, but niggaz thats a harsh reallity. This word was used to put down out ForeFathers, and now their sons and doughters can say that? See but the thing is that, i can call other (black people) men that. They can refer it back to me too!, but when a non-black ( especially white men) say it. That would serious enrage me. Because what i bealive is the when a white person says it, they mean as: you have a darker skin color than i do, or ur GPA is half of mine. What i'm trying to get is that, you know what,if you are not Black, dont say it, why do u care if a black person says it. If ur Forefathers didnt use it the way they did, meybe u would say it and live the next day.

Me: whats good my nigga
Black male: i gotta F on this mother fucking paper
White man: Nigga plz
Me/Black male: excuse me
White man: how is it fair for u to say it, but not for me
Me: cause the KKK leading cracka that produce ya ass, wore it out
Black male: Amo give yo white ass a chance to not say that again
white man: Men ya'll are hippacrits
Me: because I asked u, not call me that word, i'm a hipocrite,
Me: beacuse the only reason u say that word is to put my status lower than ur's Im a hopocrite
Me: because that is THE MOST OFFENSIVE WORD in the english launguage Im a hipocrite ( coming from a white folks)
Me: My nigga, wax ur ears, and go home cause ur mother is calling u trick

by Desmine Mason June 4, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


a word used by white people (known as crackas and rednecks) to degrade blacks or sometimes to say my friend or my homie.
ALSO a word used by blacks towards eachother not to degrade but to greet and communicate.

i do feel that white people shouldnt say the word however, black people should try to stop saying that word.

if ur black (like me) and say nigga but dont like wen whites use it, it might be being a hypicrite but SO WHAT!!! we r black and white ppl have no business sayin that word. to us it is not a degrading word BUT watever your race, try not to use it TO AVOID CONFLICT.

----white ppl say nigga as a degrading, disrespectful word

1) white store owner: Get the fuck outta my store, you dumb nigga!!! OR

1a) white guy: your kind isn't welcomed here!
black guy: what kind is that?
white guy: NIGGAS!!!

----blacks use it as a greeting

2) 1st black boy: What's good my nigga??
2nd black boy: Nothin' jus chillin'.

----Some white ppl say nigga tryin to be friendly but they dont kno that its not cool for white ppl to say it

whiteboy: hey, dude, what's up my nigga!!!
black boy: get the fuck outta here,dont come around here sayin that word cuz we'll fuck you up.

by Keema_Keema July 24, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nigga is a low down dirty man who is nasty and starts a mess. Calling someone a nigga is clearly giving a precise explanation of who you are.

"wassup niggas, i was at the movies yesterday..."

by Urban Deffs byG. January 11, 2017

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Ignorant mother fucker. Now I don't mean nigger as a racial slur. Anybody of any race can be an ignorant mother fucker.

(white guy to another white guy) your such a nigger.
(Black guy to a white guy (or any other race. "Man that nigga be Trippen"

by swervin steve May 6, 2010

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A word derived from, "Nigger", but meaning a completely different thing. Nigga is a term, widely used by all races, mostly African-American's, that is used to reffer to another person, like the word "Dude" or "Dog".

And contrary to what some people believe, white people say it all the time, and is now more accepted, maybe not by all, but by some.

1. "Yo, what up my nigga?!"

2. "Nigga, you got something to say to me?!"

3. "That's my nigga."

by Carnival Of Carnage February 25, 2009

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A reference to another brother (african-american), as an informal name.


Black man1: "Yo nigga, whats good?"
Black man2: "Shiit. Not much nigga."
White man: "Well, hey there you nigga!"
Black man1: *Silence*
Black man2: *Silence*
Black man1: "Mother fucka... You best be runnin in da next 2 seconds or you gonna get a BEATDOWN..."

by rEoDYLZ October 4, 2009

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