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Sandy surprise

When a man pulls a gun on you so you pocket sand his eyes and begin buttfucking him aggressivly

Cuck 1 "Yo Braden gave his friends a sandy surprise after they tried robbing him."
Cuck 2 "I remember when braden gave me his first sandy surprise

by Pimppaddydaddy June 21, 2024

sandy olive

When you push your naked woman, crotch first, down on the beach before coitus and debris gets into her folded bits and causes intense irritation upon her clitoris.

With his complete disregard for pain the man pumped away inside of the grit filled vagina causing the poor woman to develop a sandy olive.

by Marco Porno June 24, 2021

sandy boot

when you’re having sex on the beach and get sand in your boot

man, I was having so much fun on my date til I got a sandy boot

by unicorn.1 May 7, 2020

Sandy Sausage

This is when a lady fills her vagina full of sand on the beach and then a man enters with consent.

Hi Sandra do you want to go to the beach and practice doing a Sandy Sausage?

by Oldburyslappa October 7, 2021


Refers to a person that is easily agitated...like they have sand in their vagina.

What's Sandy upset about now?

by Mr. P Dogg February 26, 2019


Sandy is a big booty bitch who usually acts like slut. She is the kind of girl to get wasted at parties and end up in a bed with a total stranger. When she gets home, her parents usually fuck her up. She doesn't go to school half of the time cuz she's beat up so badly. When she goes to school, she give bj's during passing time in the boys bathroom. She uses the big stall and has decor in there that says "Sandy's bj's. $5 each." She will also have the occasional anal sex. If her dad found out, he would gut her like a melon. Asking her, "is this what you want?! Is it?!". Sandy would lay in her room crying. Therefore Sandy is a terrible name to give your child.

Guy 1: Hop diggity damn! Dat Sandy gives the Best bj's!

Guy 2: She let me go down on her the other day. Tasted like sand.

Guy 3: I went deep into her. Tight as fuck. And that ass!

by Ellie Kringer June 13, 2017


sandy is someone who acts as if they have sand filling their underpants

that guy is Sandy as fuck

by gladpossum February 9, 2022