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Anti friend

Basically your enemy, someone who you can’t tolerate. You’d rather be alone than hang out with them.

Devin: Kevin is mean, narcissistic, and a liar. I don’t understand how he has friends at all, he’s my anti friend.

by nutella137 September 8, 2020

3πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


Someone who owns at a videogame and will always own at it. This person particulary targets noobs or nubs for personal enjoyment. An anti-nub is often exposed for being too serious while playing a videogame but doesn't care what other people say.


nub: I'm a level 5, you're level 70

Anti-nub: EXACTLY!

by Gamer1919 March 30, 2011


The act of having pure hatred for the LQBTQ community. So much so that you have the desire to commit genocide against their community and severely and painfully torture every single one of those gay little queers until they beg you to stop and you exterminate them anyway and anyone that mentions anything about LQBTQ.

Tom is so much of an anti-gayist that he gathered up all the queers in his school and fucked them and converted all the transgenders back to their original gender.

by Down with the rainbow June 25, 2022


every other nation, its leaders, and citizens

Everybody hates the US...nah everybody just hates bushes bitch ass.

by Milkweed June 27, 2005

89πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Anti Shitism

Speaking against Israeli aggression is anti-shit-ism not anti-semitism

Harry: Israel is a terrorist state.
Paul: please don't be anti semite
Harry: it's anti shitism not anti-semitism

by Abaynakar May 31, 2021

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž



1. the phenomenon by which a person, place, or thing becomes suddenly and eerily more clean, organized, or structured than usual

2. a sudden and eerie calm, as of emotion or activity

Dude, what happened to your office? It looks like it was hit by an anti-tornado.

Damn, she looks great now! When did she get hit by the anti-tornado?

Just when I thought this company was in total chaos, BAM!...anti-tornado.

by The Kerfuffler December 16, 2010

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(n.) Someone who is both anti-vax, and anti-mask.

Ope, another anti-vasker died to own the libs.

by HereticWife August 22, 2021

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