Source Code

Asian Skydiver

When an Asian Skydiver is performed, on of the participants sits with their ass just off the edge of a top bunkbead while the other participant lies on their back facing upwards with their head just a little off the bottom bunk. The participant on the top bunk will usually squeeze out a shit on to the other persons face. The velocity of the poo is where the "Asian Skydiver" gets its name. This can also be called the "Kamikaze".

Tom and Gina decided to pull an Asian Skydiver on each other taking turns. The poo hit Gina in the face so hard that she broke her nose. To get Tom back, she decided to diarrhea on him from the top bunk so it would get in his eyes, even if they were closed.

by The KIID March 4, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

asian girls

Hot girls who age slowly, which is good because a 38 year old Asian girl will look young as 25. Their breasts or butt are not flat, they are average. They will cook good food for you and are faithful, but they will break up with you the moment you cheat on them, as they are not stupid. Better than the typical white or black girl, equal to the typical Latino girl.

Vin The Jock: Hey I am breaking up with you, Tenissa.
Tenissa The White Girl: Why?!?!
Vin The Jock: Because you are a slut and I prefer Asian girls.

by lilzor July 10, 2016

114๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

Asian Skills

Anyone can have Asian skills. Asian skills are skills that are out of the ordinary thus being named after the oriental people because Asians are prodigious in every category.

*While playing ping pong*
White dude: Watch my Asian serve I learned on YouTube.
Asian dude: Wow! Asian skills!

by Asian boodyyy November 23, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

asian hooker

A hooker of Asian decent.

In the movie Dirty Work, Chris Farley's character gets his nose bit off by an Asian hooker.
Synonyms: Saigon Whore,Rice Hole.
Antonyms: An asian who gives sex for free ,any kind of hooker who is not asian.
Common misspellings: Agent Hooker (actually a good porn movie), Ajen Hoker (A Jen Ho Ker), Asiane Hoooker (A si an Hooooooker like the cookie crips guy except with an h at the beginning and a er instead of kie crisp at the end.), "Cocaines a hell of a drug and i like to do copious amounts of it off asian hooker's asses."-Rick James

by YaBingedrinkingmom July 19, 2008

36๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

asian obligations

The stuff that most Asians are obligated to do. Includes orchestra, debate, piano, rigorous classes, math team and so on.

White kid: Hey Cho, can you hang out after school?
Azn kid: I doubt it. I've got a debate meeting after school, I have to study for an AP Chem test and then I have to go to an orchestra concert.
White kid: Asian obligations, eh?
Azn kid: Yup.

by crusty.noah August 17, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Asian Swag

the smexy mofo's
who wear there hair to a swoosh.
and have pretty long hair.
they wear skinny jeans.
& when you have asian swag everyone loves & knows you even the creepers. -_-
like me! jk jk.

my 'mom' has asian swag.

by my mom is asian, but i am not November 19, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sneaky Asian

1. The act which occurs when a person driving or in the passenger seat of a car looks forward obliviously to the person in the seat behind him or her. Preferably when the car is in motion, the person in the back seat, "Asian", slides an item, i.e. a foot, penis, shoe, sandal, etc., into the slit between the backrest and the bottom cushion of the driver's seat so that it reaches the unsuspecting victim's ass.

(in the backseat of a car)
Guy: Hey Carl, when we get on the highway, give Max the sneaky asian. He won't see it coming.

Carl: Haha, alright. Let's just hope he doesn't crash.

Max: What are you guys talking about back there??

by Hammerwang June 4, 2008

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